Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lessons You Can Learn From A Man That Really Loves Wine

I have a phone interview to prep for and I should be writing and job searching, but I'm so torqued up about this posting that I decided I would take a break and write it. A little while back I did this posting about unique wine books. One of the books I mentioned was by a guy name Gary Vaynerchuk who if you haven't heard has become a bit of an Internet phenomenon (especially in the wine business). Gary is a guy who was running and growing his parents wine business (successfully I might add), but he felt something was missing and that he wasn't quite happy. He decided to start doing videos about wine that were fun and enthusiastic and the opposite of the snotty and condescending type of stuff you would often hear from wine experts. Things have gone nuts for him ever since. His company is thriving, but he is also a speaker in much demand and his main message to people is about Passion and doing what you love. He spoke recently at a conference in New York and it's truly energizing and inspiring to watch, I swear if you take the time to click here and view it, you won't be sorry. I think it's the best talk on creating a brand I have ever seen.

The reason this relates to all of us that are working in entertainment (and truly it applies to all fields) is that it can be rough at times in this business and you have to really love what you do and want to be here to get through it.

By the way, Gary is big into Twitter, so if you want to follow him there either sign up and then follow GaryVee or you can check out his feed here without signing up (don't forget, you can see me on there as well). This article is about all of the actors, directors and writers that are on Twitter. My favorite so far is Jon Favreau.

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